"Wir verweilen nie lange im Gestern. Wir geben niemals auf, öffnen neue Türen und entwickeln neue Ideen, weil wir neugierig sind.…. Die Neugier ist es, die uns neue Wege beschreiten läßt. Gib niemals auf!" // "When you're curious, you find a lot of interesting things to do. And one thing it takes to accomplish something is courage."

~ Walt Disney

Montag, 14. April 2014

Back in english and a new style (again.... x3)

Haaiiiiiiiiii *w* ...... (sounds kinda creepy the way my inner voice screams this x3 )

So, I'm back. What a surprise with this titel.... xD Whatever. I'm kinda bored and in the mood to blogging constantly. =)  lets see how it'll work ^^

I decided to change the language of this blog. One reason for this is the fact that I like to write in english. (And on top of that it's also a good exercise ^^ so, if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry, it's not my first language :3) another reason for changing the language is the fact that there are a lot more people who speaks english than german.... Ö.Ö what a surprise! xD hrrhrr.....
So... deal with the new language! o^w^o

Once again I changed the design. :3 The old design seemed kinda depressive to me.... oÔ saying thinks like 'whuuuuhhuuuuuu....... come to me little girl.... come....come..... come to the dark side.... >:3 we got cookies!' - I followed. -.- guess what happened? there where no damned cookies at all! TAT but i do found basement cat down there >:3 muhihihihi.......

Oh, btw I decided to keep the old german posts :3 If you can't understand them, ask me - or use google translate.... uhmm.... no, better ask me. xD google will tell you strange things that doesn't make any sense at all.

If you want to know more about me, take a look at the slot About me <3 :3 if any questions still pops up, feel free to ask me. ... I only bite, when I'm hungry. Or mad. Or bored. ... well, I can't promise anything about that xD Sometimes I'm just weird. Okay, I'm always weird xD but sometimes I'm at a weirdo level that isn't from this world anymore o(>w<)o

Hmmm.... so lets see, anything else to write...? Ah, this is especially interesting for my Ai <3 my little private basement cat! >:3 I plan to make a website (or something like that) for two fanfictions I'm working at lately. :3 (more about that later ;3)

For now I say nightynight <3 x3
yours, Elle~ <3

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