"Wir verweilen nie lange im Gestern. Wir geben niemals auf, öffnen neue Türen und entwickeln neue Ideen, weil wir neugierig sind.…. Die Neugier ist es, die uns neue Wege beschreiten läßt. Gib niemals auf!" // "When you're curious, you find a lot of interesting things to do. And one thing it takes to accomplish something is courage."

~ Walt Disney

About Me :D


So... here some facts about my person :3

First of all, my name: Elle. Or better saying that's my name for my Internet activities. ^^ Private stays private. That's one philosophy of mine x3 I also being called Yami or Kassa.
All three names got their own territory. Elle is for me as a person. Yami is for my stories and stuff like that. And Kassa is my usual name as a gamer cat. x3

I love gaming. I'm a gamer cat. ♥ 
I'm a mmorpg'ler. [for example: Forsaken World, Aion, Guild Wars II and more
I love my Playstations. I owned once the original Playstation, but it broke one day. Rest in peace my love <3 .... I still own the first version of the Playstation 2 <3 :3 [fav games: Digital Devil Saga, Devil May Cry & Final Fantasy <3 I also love Spyro xD - but that's another chapter!] Also I got the Playstation 3. [fav games: Final Fantasy & Devil May Cry] The 4th generation of the Playstation is really anticipated by his brothers o(>w<)o BUT, I'll buy it not until they'll finally release my damned game I'd wait for since 2006. -.- [I'm speaking of Final Fantasy XV - newly. Before that it was named Final Fantasy Versus XIII...... they'll also changed newly the hair- and eyecolor of the main character Noctis..... D:< I'm mad about this. Really mad. -.-] 
I also own a lot of different Gameboys to Nintendo DS and so on. I nearly have every stage. xD As I said. I'm a gamer cat. xD I love Pokémon. I don't care what other thinks of that. I grown up with that, so it always will be a part of me. <3 
Oh, and I still got a working Nintendo 64. :D tihihi....

As a gamer cat, there is no other way for me than to get into the gamer business. x3 So, guess what? I'm a Games Art Student! No joke! :D I learn how to create Games and stuff like that. <3 It's really awesome. And I'm happy and thankful that I'm able to learn this.

So, what else could be interesting? Hmm.... ah, I collect cat ears. xD Like fake fur clip cat ears - with or without bells and ribbons. As a hairband, or a cat ear hat. :3 
I'm also addicted to wigs. *w* And I love cosplay.... it's hard for me to finish one cosplay. ._.'' I dunno why, but I kinda start to sew one and than suddenly stop to sew something else or totally forgot what I was sewing before xD

I'm really a creative person. I love to draw and to write my own stories. x3 There's nothing in this world what makes me more satisfied to get a note book, write in it until it's full, and then read through it and getting swallowed into it.... 
I write my own stuff with my own selfcreated worlds. But I also like to write Fanfictions. x3 It's really fun to write about the world and characters you love so much. For me it's a kind of honor to the creator when someone writes a fanfiction about their stuff. I don't think it's something like 'I want to make it better than you'. For me it's more like 'I love your stuff so much, that I want to be a part of it.' So yeah.... At the moment I'm working at two fanfictions. I also thinking of creating a website or something like that for them x3

I love Manga & Anime ♥ (and of course Japan stuff too x3) One Piece is my absolutly favourite Manga/Anime all time! (Ace ♥) My second favourite Manga/Anime is Bleach. (Grimmjow ♥ or like I use to call him: my sweety kittykitten xD yeah.... I think I would get beaten for that xD) Well, at least they are in the Shounen genre. x3 (okay, One Piece is everywhere my number one xD) maybe I should make a list which ones I love more then others...? ö.ö
Shoujo isn't mine at all. -.- Sorry for all lovers of that, but I really hate this new kind of Shoujo..... seriously. The only good Shoujo is the old one, like Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura and so on.

Oh, I'm a person that badly swear in every sentence I say.... ._.' I try not to swear in this blog. In case that children could read this possibly. ö.ö'

[To be continued.........]