So... here some facts about my person :3
First of all, my name: Elle. Or better saying that's my name for my Internet activities. ^^ Private stays private. That's one philosophy of mine x3 I also being called Yami or Kassa.
All three names got their own territory. Elle is for me as a person. Yami is for my stories and stuff like that. And Kassa is my usual name as a gamer cat. x3
I love gaming. I'm a gamer cat. ♥
I'm a mmorpg'ler. [for example: Forsaken World, Aion, Guild Wars II and more ♥]
I love my Playstations. I owned once the original Playstation, but it broke one day. Rest in peace my love <3 .... I still own the first version of the Playstation 2 <3 :3 [fav games: Digital Devil Saga, Devil May Cry & Final Fantasy <3 I also love Spyro xD - but that's another chapter!] Also I got the Playstation 3. [fav games: Final Fantasy & Devil May Cry] The 4th generation of the Playstation is really anticipated by his brothers o(>w<)o BUT, I'll buy it not until they'll finally release my damned game I'd wait for since 2006. -.- [I'm speaking of Final Fantasy XV - newly. Before that it was named Final Fantasy Versus XIII...... they'll also changed newly the hair- and eyecolor of the main character Noctis..... D:< I'm mad about this. Really mad. -.-]
I also own a lot of different Gameboys to Nintendo DS and so on. I nearly have every stage. xD As I said. I'm a gamer cat. xD I love Pokémon. I don't care what other thinks of that. I grown up with that, so it always will be a part of me. <3
Oh, and I still got a working Nintendo 64. :D tihihi....
As a gamer cat, there is no other way for me than to get into the gamer business. x3 So, guess what? I'm a Games Art Student! No joke! :D I learn how to create Games and stuff like that. <3 It's really awesome. And I'm happy and thankful that I'm able to learn this. ♥
So, what else could be interesting? Hmm.... ah, I collect cat ears. xD Like fake fur clip cat ears - with or without bells and ribbons. As a hairband, or a cat ear hat. :3
I'm also addicted to wigs. *w* And I love cosplay.... it's hard for me to finish one cosplay. ._.'' I dunno why, but I kinda start to sew one and than suddenly stop to sew something else or totally forgot what I was sewing before xD
I'm really a creative person. I love to draw and to write my own stories. x3 There's nothing in this world what makes me more satisfied to get a note book, write in it until it's full, and then read through it and getting swallowed into it.... ♥
I write my own stuff with my own selfcreated worlds. But I also like to write Fanfictions. x3 It's really fun to write about the world and characters you love so much. For me it's a kind of honor to the creator when someone writes a fanfiction about their stuff. I don't think it's something like 'I want to make it better than you'. For me it's more like 'I love your stuff so much, that I want to be a part of it.' So yeah.... At the moment I'm working at two fanfictions. I also thinking of creating a website or something like that for them x3
I love Manga & Anime ♥ (and of course Japan stuff too x3) One Piece is my absolutly favourite Manga/Anime all time! (Ace ♥) My second favourite Manga/Anime is Bleach. (Grimmjow ♥ or like I use to call him: my sweety kittykitten xD yeah.... I think I would get beaten for that xD) Well, at least they are in the Shounen genre. x3 (okay, One Piece is everywhere my number one xD) maybe I should make a list which ones I love more then others...? ö.ö
Shoujo isn't mine at all. -.- Sorry for all lovers of that, but I really hate this new kind of Shoujo..... seriously. The only good Shoujo is the old one, like Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura and so on.
Oh, I'm a person that badly swear in every sentence I say.... ._.' I try not to swear in this blog. In case that children could read this possibly. ö.ö'
[To be continued.........]